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Latest and most loved cross-stitch designs by our customers
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ගුරුලා කතිර මැහුම් පොතරු250.00
Gurula Cross Stitch Bookරු250.00
ලක් දෝණි කතිර මැහුම් පොතරු250.00
Lak Doni Cross Stitch Bookරු250.00
කතිර මැහුම් දර්ශනයරු390.00
Cross Stitch Scenery Book in Englishරු390.00
Bird Friends Scenery Bookරු300.00
Elephant Welcome Scenery Bookරු390.00
ශ්රී ලංකා කැබලි මැහුම් චිත්රණයරු430.00
Why Choose Ramyali Crafts?
- ✔ 100% Accuracy: Follow our instructions, and your finished project will mirror the provided image flawlessly.
- ✔ Beginner-Friendly: Clear, simple instructions make crafting stress-free.
- ✔ Trustworthy & Unique: Every kit undergoes rigorous testing to ensure perfection.
- ✔ Cultural Connection: Celebrate Sri Lanka’s artistry with every stitch.
About the Designer
Inspired by childhood evenings spent sewing with her siblings in the scenic upcountry, Mrs. Ramyali Leelaratne turned her lifelong passion for crafting into a celebrated career.
A versatile artist and educator, she has dedicated her life to empowering others through craftwork. From cross-stitch kits to comprehensive crafting lessons, she has won awards and hearts alike for her contribution to Sri Lanka’s arts and crafts scene.